Cyst Disease Symptoms In Women


Cyst Disease Symptoms In WomenCyst Disease Symptoms In Women

Generally, the presence of cysts is not realized by the sufferer and disappeared before the women aware of the cyst. However, some women complain of pain abdominal area or lower abdomen. The pain can arise if the cyst ruptured or broken, due to enlargement of the cyst and surrounding tissue stretching, bleeding in the cyst, or because the twisting of cysts that interfere with the surrounding blood vessels. Large cysts may cause a shift in emphasis or surrounding organs.

Symptoms may include early satiety, bloating, and often feel like a bowel movement, or difficulty BAB, or pain during intercourse.

Because there are often symptoms of cyst, the cyst is generally only known when the patient underwent ultrasonography (USG), or examination in the lower abdominal area. In women younger than 40 epidemic, usually in the form of a cyst follicular cyst or corpus luteum cysts are harmless. This type of cyst usually disappears on its own within a few months.

However, in women who use oral contraceptives should not be experiencing this type of cyst, for that, women who take birth control pills but have cysts should undergo further examination. Further examination is also required for the solid form cysts. Tests done usually is a blood test to look for a protein called CA-125. Levels of these substances can be increased if the cyst is suspected malignant, although this examination is not always accurate and specific for malignancy.

In the case of a benign cyst, made observations in a few months to see if the cyst disappears by itself. If the cyst looks solid, additional examination.

Cysts that from tumors can be removed through surgery, especially if the cause of severe pain, do not disappear or there is suspicion of malignancy. Once issued, tissue cysts examined using a microscope to determine the type of cyst.
Cyst Disease Symptoms In Women 4.5 5 Unknown Cyst Disease Symptoms In Women Generally, the presence of cysts is not realized by the sufferer and disappeared before the women aware of th...