Abstinence Food For Cyst Disease Patients


Abstinence Food For Cyst Disease Patients

For mothers who currently have a cyst disease, should avoid foods Abstinence cyst that no mother cyst disease relapse and treatment should be with the right medication in order to direct the mother cyst disease cured. Here I will discuss about what food Abstinence cyst
Abstinence Food For Cyst Disease Patients

Here is a food Abstinence cyst disease:

1. Type Vegetables.
food taboos cyst
Types of vegetables you need to avoid when diagnosed cysts are bean sprouts, white oil, spinach, coconut milk and chili.

2. Type Fruits.
Of the various kinds of fruit, you should avoid is durian, longan, jackfruit, Duku, pineapples, avocados and grapes.

3. Drink.
In addition to food, there are also some drinks that should be avoided by people with cyst. Drinks are alcoholic beverages, drinks too cold and fizzy drinks.

4. Meat.
Meat is good for health because it contains a lot of protein and other substances that are beneficial to the body. But not for patients with cysts. The meat should be avoided is like-kind red dagin beef, lamb, buffalo meat was all inclusive source. As for the fish to avoid is seafood (shrimp, crab, squid, etc.).

5. Other.
In addition to the above four categories there are some foods that you should avoid. The first is preserved foods such as instant noodles. Second, many foods contain MSG or commonly called MSG. fastfood.

Among various food taboos cysts sufferers above, some that you can consume is green beans, eggs and chicken along with fresh water fish. And multiply the consumption of water.
Abstinence Food For Cyst Disease Patients 4.5 5 Unknown Abstinence Food For Cyst Disease Patients For mothers who currently have a cyst disease, should avoid foods Abstinence cyst that no mothe...